Thread: sparkplugs
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Old 01-22-2017   #9
Hib Halverson
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: CenCoast California
Posts: 898
Default Re: sparkplugs

The OP was asking about E3s. They are crap. Don't waste your money.

If budget is tight, consider the above mentioned ACDelco discount/promo price.

If you want really good spark plugs and are not too concerned about price, for the last 15 years I owned Barney, my 500-hp '95, I used the Denso IT-22 (two sets) exclusively. Great performing plug with pretty darn good plug life. I also use the IT-22 in my LS6 and LS7 engines.
Hib Halverson
Technical Writer
former owner 95 VIN 0140
current owner 19 VIN 1878
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