Thread: sparkplugs
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Old 01-19-2017   #6
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Default Re: sparkplugs

I already have a few sets of the 41-602's, but decided after reading this, why not pick up a set of the 41-801's. Went on ebay and found some very inexpensive compared to what was mentioned in the text.
When I spoke to the PO before the previous PO, he informed me that he changed out the plugs at 55,000 miles. I am now at 68,800 miles, so I will probably change them out this year......

1994 ZR-1 #009 "captured test fleet car"
1974 LS4 454 Vert
1974 L-82 355 Vert.
1982 L83 a retired "dd"....Sold

WAZOO Member

Last edited by Roadster; 01-23-2017 at 02:56 PM.
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