Originally Posted by Jeffvette
You do know that Kurt is not packaging the windshields right. He paid somebody else to package them properly.
Yeah Jeff I hear you but the end result is the same. Everybodies out and one look at the job even I could tell without anything on the corners this could have been the potential result. Now if the corners where padded and foam blocked and this crate method used yeah I could say the shipper would have done everything resaonablly prudent to ship a windshield safely. Everythings a learning experience but I expect we are going to see many more of the same results until the customer feedback gets back to the seller to ship these properly. Theres plenty of blame to go around and not just with FedEx. I bet if they (FEDEX) saw what was in the box and the way these were packed before they were crated they would have expressed a few concerns as well. Just my .02 im sure others especailly a lot of ZR-1 owners that fronted this project in both time and funds probably are formulating the same opinion by now. Its sad to see this turn out this way. I only hope the project can adjust fire and move on.