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Old 03-07-2016   #1
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: Marietta, GA USA
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Default Possible Spark Plug Thread Problem

I know this has been discussed quite a bit. I've read past threads and gotten some good advice. I'm just checking to see if anyone might have some timely suggestions.

My #8 plug came out okay. I don't remember it having extra resistance, but when I went to screw it in (using a short piece of rubber hose), it seemed to stick very early, as if it was cross threaded. I backed it out, tried again with the same results. It was late at night so I decided to stop and think for a while.

I'll probably try brushes first (but not expecting that to do much), then maybe a thread chaser, hoping it might be a burr in the top of the threads.

My biggest worry is I might not be able to get a good, straight shot at the threads due to the A/C box obstruction (but I did read someone said it has provisions for moving out of the way).

I'm also leaning towards a long lasting spark plug (instead of the less expensive A/C Delcos), and maybe not worrying about changing it for many miles. Any good suggestions for a spark plug that might stay in place for a long time?

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