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Old 08-07-2007   #9
jonszr1's Avatar
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Default Re: last 2 T&Tune @ famoso for the year

ron, yupand the red one will be gone today to a local guy. o have just had enough of getting taken advantage of. they will remain nameless but the following transactions are the main reason. a transaction on the forum where the seller shipped a vac pump on his own then wrote a moderator i was a deadbeat when he didnt recieve his payment soon enough . this was after when i agreed to buy it but said dont send it until you recieve my ck and it clears. then the pump didnt work . and wouldnt accept it when i attempted to return. or the 2 transactions with another . where i sent the funds for inj housing gaskets and it took 8 weeks to recieve the gaskets and 5 weeks to recieve the wheels and drs and the drs were totally worn out (lied about the condition. ialso at my expence sent a part at my own expence to this person and didnt even get a thanx this person had vac hoses for sale (that I really needed) and to date hasnt had enough class to return my email. I had 2 choices punch the punk out or just move on. I now know why corey doesnt get involved in the zr1 sites . Or the parts guy that takes un fair advantage Price wise of people. to sharge people 400 for a vac assemby or 150 for a pvc valve holder is just plain thivery . i made my own vac assembly for 37 using plastic line bought at kragen and bent with a heat gun .my own pvc holder and pvc elbows to inj housings 12 water hose. he trats people like sh*t used other peoples money to get bulk buys then takes his sweet time getting the products to people knowing they got to get them from him . they ought to deport this guy. ron you were a good friend I.ll miss ya . i will be moving to Vegas Fri to go full time working in acct collections for a casino. be well .ill miss ya
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