Thread: Engine Temp's
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Old 07-30-2007   #7
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Default Re: Engine Temp's

Originally Posted by Artic93
It fluctuated between 225 and down to 216 with the car moving down short stretches...and no I have not removed the radiator yet, hoping this is SOP for the ZR1 having the temp up to the high 220's and not damaging the engine.
That sounds like normal fan on/off temps, but I'm not certain what they are stock. I would think high 220's is within the acceptable range.

One thing I like about Marc Haibeck's chips is he alters the fan points. It comes on around 215F, so usually if you come to a stop, the fans kick on pretty soon after. My car with the stock cooling system has no problem maintaining this temperature range.

The important thing is, if your fans come on, does your temp drop? If so, then the car is able to keep the cooling within whatever range it considers ok. If the fans can't keep the temp under control, then that's a problem.
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