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Old 03-02-2015   #29
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 90
Default Re: Top end clatter / lifter tick?

I have had a bad flywheel before and the sound is different. My noise sounds similar to what cmb is experiencing. It comes from the front passenger side.

I did have 2 wires with high resistance so I reinstalled the original wires and coils which were working fine when I removed them. I also replaced the plugs and injectors since the injectors were the originals anyway. There was no change in how the car runs.

I checked the function of the throttle position sensor with a Tech 1A and it appears to be functioning normally.

I guess I have to go look for my compression tester. It may be tricky trying to get it attached in the deep spark plug holes.

I just tried pushing down hard on the tensioner with a stick and the sound goes away. I'm thinking the long Goodyear belt allowing the tensioner to unwind too much together with the rough running causes the tensioner to make noises.

I have a new tensioner to try out but removing the old one seems impossible with the air-conditioning pipe in the way.
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