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Old 03-02-2015   #24
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 90
Default Re: Top end clatter / lifter tick?

My engine makes this noise too. I assumed that it was the tensioner. Or at least hoped that was the cause. I really hope it's not the timing chain. Maybe we have different causes of the noise.

I have a very rough running engine and that may or may not be related. I was thinking the rough running and the Goodyear belt being long contribute to the tensioner making a clacking sound.

When I increase the rpm a little, the noise goes away.

The noise also goes away if I turn off the air conditioner. I don't think the noise is the air conditioner though. I think taking the load off the engine helps it run a little smoother.

I can't hear the noise while driving. I can only hear the rough running engine.
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