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Old 02-28-2015   #9
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: AZ
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Default Re: Top end clatter / lifter tick?

Originally Posted by cmb View Post
Yes, the tick follows the engine speed. It will increase in rate if I bring the revs up past idle. The idle is smooth. Engine never stumbles, and doesn't sound like it's missing.

A couple of you have asked about the flywheel. How might this contribute to the noise? I don't have any particular reason to believe that it's ever been replaced -- does that mean it's the dual-mass part?

It's difficult to tell from the video, but the sound certainly seems to come from under the cam cover (at cyl #2) rather than from something external at the front of the engine.

I'll check out the belt tensioner. Is the thought that the tensioner itself might be bad, or that the belt tension is causing some other problem?

I'm in Merrimack, NH.
When I bought my car, it had bad injectors, which caused a misfire and a slightly rough idle, which in turn caused the dual mass flywheel to rattle...all very common on early cars which still have the original injectors. It sounded like a rod knock or a spun main bearing. That rattle was completely inconsistent with engine speed; revving it a bit made the rattle stop. From both the sound I hear in your video and your description, I'd say there's no chance that it's the DMF.
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