I have always run them in anything I drive. Since the days of the old Fox ones with the 2 glass probes out the front.
I now have a Beltronics V955 in my DD, Beltronics V995 in wifes DD, and a Cobra in the Z. Beltronics is owned/made by Escort. I like them a lot - on open highway they give a lot of warning. The Cobra in my Z is a cheaper one - but so far it seems to give good warning.
Keep in mind that any detector is not failsafe, there are many times you can get nailed if you don't drive smart. If your laser detector goes off - chances are YOU are the one being targeted. And it's too late. They are using laser quite a bit around here now. Don't run "lone" without a vehicle you can see in front of you - you need a cop with instant on radar to hit one in front of you so you detect it. Etc Etc.
They have saved me thousands of dollars in tickets, but I still get caught once in awhile. You just have to keep eyes open and run smart, and use a detector as a tool - not an absolute...