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Old 07-06-2007   #7
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Colorado
Posts: 115
Default Re: HighWay Gas Mileage with Valet Key On?

Last month we spent 15 days on the road in "The Beast". Put on 5,000 miles and averaged 24 mpg for the trip.

I have to admit that when on the flat land we were cruising with the key off (unless some extra boost was needed for passing on a two lane road ) but when in the mountains the key was always on. Most of the flat land running also included having the A/C on as outside temps were often in the triple digit range.

There were a few days of "spirited" driving that impacted the daily averages. Best tank was 27+ mpg and the worst was 19+ mpg. So IMO the KOTH lived up to its window sticker claim of 25 mpg/highway.
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