Thread: Clutch :-(
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Old 09-16-2014   #28
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Alex VA
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Default Re: Clutch :-(


I feel your pain, my clutch exploded after 1500 miles on the first burnout and I'm kinda wimpy on my burn out compared to most

about 1/3 of a mcleod disk roached and came off

drove it all the way back from BG that way

the broken burn clutch material stinks like nothing else and it took a long time for that smell to go away

I'm interested in the RAM dual disk, Bob G turned me onto it, and now local folks are stepping up

still has the gear rattle, I'm saving my old dual mass as that rattle is really starting to annoy me more and more

the car has so much power already, the fidanza really isn't worth that much to put up with the "rox anne rox anne, your tranny sounds like gravel rattling in a can"

I've caught more than a few laughs, hey dude, your engine spun a rod bearing

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