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Old 05-12-2014   #1
Join Date: Dec 2012
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Default Thanks to George C there [BlackWidow#2]

Me and sis took a road trip to Pittsburgh last week to get the Black roof panel from George C, and had a pleasant chat there.

Interesting trip. On I-79 in WVA, saw a Platinum C7 on a rollback headed South. Also saw a pickup and a C6 gettin' on the onramp once. The Black C6 jumped the hammer lane around the truck, and then launched... HARD. It was GONE in SHORT ORDER. He had to be at 130+ from 55, quicker than he'd gotten on from the ramp.

2 miles down the highway, he was turning around in the median, waiting for a hole. We passed him, and I saw how he was able to 'launch' as he did.

ZR1 Badge on the hood!!!

Thanks again to George C there...
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