Originally Posted by Kevin
totally stock 90 except for a chip from marc
Kevin, I'm "packin'" when I get to BG - tools/scanner/VOM, etc. With that and all the talent gathered together there, we should be able to run dem gremlins to ground - or at least corner them to be dealt with later. Are you going to be there??? (I recognize that frustration. From time to time it haunts me too. I live in a "remote" area too, which means - like you - nobody near me that could just "drop by" for a brew and some wrenching. At times I've felt overwhelmed too. But, endeavor to persevere and realize it is a hobby - your baby
needs you! (Yes, this is a pep talk. However, the thing is, I'm not sure if the audience is
you or

BTW, beautiful 90! Looks very familiar!!!