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Old 04-21-2014   #67
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Default Re: Daily driving a ZR-1

Mark, thanks for the reply......excuse me for asking, but besides of the improvements that you made to get it to pass, what was the actual cause of the coolant to leak? Was it one specific item or a number of things that lead up to that? I may have missed that in an earlier post when it at your brother's shop.
My 94 has almost 59k on the engine, so it has been driven, and from what Graham (another member) noticed is that mine may have been in the "captured test fleet" back in the day.....sounds interesting.
I really enjoy driving the Z, as you have indicated, it is a fun vehicle to drive....

1994 ZR-1 #009 "captured test fleet car"
1974 LS4 454 Vert
1974 L-82 355 Vert.
1982 L83 a retired "dd"....Sold

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