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Old 02-24-2014   #14
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Default Re: How about fine scratches and swirl marks?

Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
In the discussions i've had with pro detailers, no zanio isn't even close to the best. But as long as you like it, keep using it. If you want to save yourself some money, buy duragloss, it's the same stuff
Why thanks. I believe I will keep using it.
If I want to go cheaper I'd go with Mother's.

One of the 6 or 7 part process of Zaino's smell like bubble gum instead of sewer water or plastic chemicals.
When I smell that bubble gum smell I know it's spring time.

Oh, if you google "problems with duragloss" there's stuff to be learned.

Vett owner since 1979._It's about the car and the people
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