Thread: Formula E
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Old 11-27-2013   #6
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Dunbarton NH
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Default Re: Formula E

So I get up in the morning. Unplug my Volt and head to the office. Once here, I plug it back in. Phone rings and I'm off to east neverland. Run 40 miles on $1.50 in energy costs. Battery goes flat, swaps me to electric seemlessly. Get back to my office, plug back in, barely make it home on battery and plug back in for the night.
On purely electric, not real good for long trips, for reasons mentioned. I think for a lot of the traveling pubic, this is a good choice. Plus, most of our electricity is produced domestically. We don't buy any electricity from opec. On that note, did you know that Sunoco does not import any of their gasoline?
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