Help on modifying Old School Magnuson MC220 Twin Screw Supercharger
Hi, I bought a 81 vette with a Magnuson MC-220 Supercharger, headers & a Doug Nash 5 Speed. Very nice old car! It runs well, but I think I want to make it a little healthier. I was considering the following, let me know your thoughts.....
1) Change the rearend from 2.72 to 3.36, the Doug Nash 1st gear is 3.27.
2) Swap the stock heads to something like the Profiler 195cc heads with the smaller 65cc chambers. The stock compression is 8.2, this will probably bump it to about 9.2.
3) The stock cam is the L-82 Grind, 222/222 450/460 114. Magnuson said a cam change greatly improved power.....I don't know where to go with this? I love a really drivable cam.
Thanks & please let me know if you have some insight on this.