Re: Vacuum pump
Got the vacuum leak diagnosed. Bad solenoid. I ordered one for a C2500 truck. Looks like the same solenoid but different mount. I'll try to swap the mounting bracket and see if it works. No other vacuum leaks and all the hard lines were in good shape. Not brittle like I'm used to.
Got all the way down to the starter moter and found a rats nest... literally. He chewed the insulation off the purlpe wire (starter relay?) The drain hole was clear though. He stayed to the forward end of the cavity and none of his "furnishings" made it to the back. I guess he didn't stay long though because I cant find any other chewed wires and no evidence of bones.
Last night I pulled the radiator and did the clean and inspect. Pretty bad but it didn't have any overheating issues. Better safe than sorry though.
Got a 6" T40 Torx from Amazon and it was delivered today. Worked great getting the two bolts off the plenum. Thanks again Scott.
Clean and reinstall everything with new injectors, o-rings and gaskets tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have it back together for a test drive tomorrow sometime.