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Old 06-25-2013   #25
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Germantown, MD
Posts: 732
Default Re: Lifetime Membership discussion

At one time the stated objective of the ZR-1 Net Registry was to promote the education, preservation, and restoration of ZR1 Corvette to owners, general public, sports car enthusiasts, and collectors.

Here's another crazy idea. The purpose of stating a purpose, mission, or objective is as a measure of accountability. It helps to insure a team, club, organization, etc doesn’t lose its way. If an action is taken or decision is made, any action or decision, does it move us towards or away from our stated objective?

If the clubs purpose is still to promote the education, preservation, and restoration of ZR1 Corvette to owners, general public, sports car enthusiasts, and collectors; and if so, what are the facts, risks, and assumptions and where is the business case that demonstrates moving towards lifetime membership makes sense as a defendable and prudent step towards our stated purpose?

Last edited by HIZNHRZ; 06-26-2013 at 03:29 PM.
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