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Old 06-09-2013   #3
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Default Re: ZR-1 newbie oil change question

Originally Posted by RedrockLT5 View Post
Just got my 92 red/red and just love it! Previous owner said oil was changed last fall and with almost no miles on the new oil but think I'll change it just so I know for sure when done last. My question: Need to lift the car a few inches to get oil pan under car so I thought I'd drive it up on my ramps (6 inches of lift), and allow the oil to drain over several hours. WIll this mess up the amount of oil drained and that needs to be replace? I believe it's 8.5 quarts with filter right?

Sorry about the trivial question but I want to do this right.

Thanks for your help
Every "drain" will or could be different until you develop a procedure and follow it specifically. Your 6" of lift is going to effect yours I'd think for sure. How much? Don't know. Let it drain for a couple hours. Was it full when you "sticked it cold"? Did you stick it cold? If you haven't if the car is on all fours and "cold" with "no starts' stick it and see where you are before you start.
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