Originally Posted by vilant
I have TunerPro RT, but haven't dug into the software yet (started with EFI first) . Did the 8e_ads.adx and 83.xdf files have issues? They're the ones I thought I was supposed to use for the RT. Will your file supercede the 8e (believe I downloaded it from the internet somewhere). I assume the old file wasn't silencing the chatter. 
Vilant ,
I assume that by 83.xdf you mean 8E. Be aware that each model year, has an A version of the code. So 90 can be and most likely is $8EA. That can cause issues. Same for all other LT-5 MY (sorry Brett).
TPRT stands for Tunerpro RealTime. Named that way because it is used w real time emulation like Ostrich. TunerCat same thing.