Thread: Fuel Injectors
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Old 03-24-2007   #10
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Default Re: Fuel Injectors

Originally Posted by ffvetteman
What is the flow on them, 24# primary and 19# secondary?
I don't know the exact number, but the primary and secondary have the same flow rating. So it won't be something like 24 and 19.

FWIW, my injectors read fine too between 12-13 ohms hot or cold (read higher when hot). But they leaked. When I pulled the plenum I could see drops form on some of the injectors as they sat. Also before that I could let the car sit and sit and sit, and then crack the throttle blades open. You could really smell the gas vapors coming out.

I imagine the car made full power, though, the injectors weren't too bad. But idle, low rpm, and part-throttle driving was much smoother after replacing them. I went with Delphi '93-95 replacements on my '90. They were slightly less than RC's (and were available immediately).
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