Thread: Fuel Injectors
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Old 03-23-2007   #5
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: New Berlin WI
Posts: 247
Default Re: Fuel Injectors

I am not sure that they are bad at this point but it is a guess.

After I replaced the ECM, it was running fine for a bit, but then I could feel a pretty major loss of power under load. When I got toward the top of the RPM range, it would throw a check engine light. I ran that code and it said "lean fuel" (I forgot which code it was).

I was going to be checking the resistance next on the injectors, just have not got around to it. I just wanted the part #'s in case they are bad, I can order then right away.

What is the flow on them, 24# primary and 19# secondary?
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