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Old 05-12-2013   #33
Paul Workman
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Default Re: Who uses a datalogger/scanner??

Originally Posted by Aurora40 View Post
One useful thing about the AutoXray is it's just soooo easy to take in the car with you. Lugging a laptop, power supply, invertor, and cable into the car is a much bigger pain.

I only wish the Xray showed the oil temp. For injector info, you can look at the short and long term fuel trims to get an idea. I thought it had the pulse width displayed though, but can't really recall.
I agree. My AXray rides in the storage compartment behind the passenger's seat; ready at a moment's notice.

I bought it to troubleshoot my 95 LT1 Vette, and it had injector dwell time as well as the trims. What was happening (reason for buying the scanner in the first place) was an O2 sensor was intermittently shorting to ground. The Xray has an "event" button on it you can push when "IT" is happening. The results were instantaneous, and the scanner picked it up nicely.

However, when I bought the Z, I had to get the software retro'ed and I lost the ability to see dwell time directly. Tho the Z has (knocking on wood) not required the Xray's help so much, I would rather it have the dwell time as well.

Can never have enough test equipment. It was Marc's wideband setup that put a finger on some NOS injectors that were going south.
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