Originally Posted by Funracer
So everything in the first two photos is removed and everything
in the second two photos (cruise) remains?
You can keep or eliminate the Evap Purge vacuum lines also. I kept the Evap Purge in place as I installed a new charcoal cannister back by fuel tank. If you eliminated Evap Purge you would have to cap off the Evap Purge Vacuum source under Plenum.
Cruize Control and HVAC Vacuum System ..............................EVAP Purge Vacuum System with Solenoid

Marc and Pete suggested to eliminate the EVAP Purge circuit completely and capping off that vacuum source under front of plenum. I just replaced my charcoal canister and Marc says he does not address that removal in the chip as it has no effect. I left that associated vacuum and electrical connection including the Evap Purge solenoid in place under the plenum.