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Old 02-22-2007   #2
WB9MCW's Avatar
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Default Re: Bloomington Gold - possible new format - opinions needed

I think you will do well Chris. Each year the ZR-1 net guys make a post here abt where they plan to be at and they do all get together. They usually post some pic's for us all to see! Even though I live pretty close I have not gone to the event---my problem is the the Chain-O-Lakes and this---

usually wins out over driving down to St Charles and being in the hot summer sun--I do have to say the cruise night with a thousand vettes must be a kewl event I would like to do someday when I do decide to come instead of going boating---always seems we get those super hot days when BG is on and I end up going boating and swimming (even though I say each year I am going to go) but one of these years it will be cooler and I'll have to give it a go!

Last edited by WB9MCW; 02-22-2007 at 08:28 PM.
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