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Old 05-22-2012   #3
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Omaha
Posts: 19
Default Re: Reverse lock out on 95

Thanks for the quick information. What's even better is that I had thought the lock out wasn't an issue on my 95' but couldn't recall where I learned that so decided I'd better ask first. Looking forward to changing the shifter, and after cleaning the old one up putting it in a box and storing it along with my other items....sure takes up less space than my exhaust system!

Thanks again!!!


Originally Posted by mike100 View Post
All the 95's (and 96's for the non ZR-1 vettes) did not have the reverse lockout deal on the shaft, so any extra hardware is not needed. The aftermarket shifters don't all have the provisions to use the lock ring anyhow, but not a problem on the 95.

I converted my 91 after having owned a 95 LT1 car. Just the reverse detent is much more difficult to push into- negating the need for the extra mechanism.
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