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Old 03-10-2012   #2
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Stapleton, Nebraska
Posts: 4
Default Re: OPTIMA Ultimate Street Car Invitational

The OUSCI was a lot of fun. I drove my 415 1,300 miles each way to Vegas and then on to Pahrump from Nebraska. I cruised at 80 MPH and checked the mileage once on the way out and then coming back with a MPG of 22 and 24. Not bad for 660 HP. I did not compete in the rally portion and received no points in the car judging. Did so-so in the hot laps and autocross but did manage to finish in the top ten in the acceleration/braking event. The car could not have performed better. The only problem was the skill of the pilot. I think the program is scheduled to re-air on the 11th on Speed Channel. I wish they would have had a one mile event. There was not a car entered that could have outrun the 415.

So what issue of Super Chevy was the car shown in? I looked at the April issue and did not see it. Someone told me that it also showed up in Vette Magazine.

Joe Shown
Stapleton, NE
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