Originally Posted by Paul Workman
Curious to see what difference they make on your car, Dom, especially since we both have the same Magnaflow muffs. I LIKE the sound of the MFs, but as far as the Dynamax route goes, I'm thinking Marc's approach might be worth considering as well. (Marc has flanges on his muffs, so he can "quick disconnect" and remove/reinstall his muffs before/after drag racing. Pretty cool idea.)
Paul,the issue i have with that is your basicly lying to yourself,
like ricers do at the track gut their cars run 12.00's then put the 1000lbs back into the car and tell everybody it runs 12.0's it really runs 14's
I want full power all the time, the way it runs at the track and on the way back home,drive in-drive out.
Dominic,has to tune it right otherwise he will loose more power with the mufflers.LOL