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Old 09-09-2011   #9
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Default Re: Amazing corvette event

Originally Posted by 4DSZR1 View Post
posers? real car people? Why, because they like Corvettes?

You know, I'm real "car people"
Then that makes you a 10 percenter. Let me tell you about some of those people you met only once and think you know so well. After being a member of the largest vette club in Houston for 4 years I became very disheartened by the utter arrogance and attitudes of most of the members. It was class warfare. Many members cancelled their membership because of it. If you didn't have the latest and greatest you were a POS in their eyes. Now why in the hell would anybody want to take time out of their lives to hang around a group like that? I don't know many.
Now going to this event to simply support our military is fantastic. But you don't know allot of those people personally like I do. So before you go judge me (someone you've never even met) you need to know where im coming from. There are plenty of members of this site that know me personally and can vouch for my character. So don't be so quick to jump to conclusions. Im the kind of person that would come to your house and help you yank a tranny and replace a clutch or steering rack ect out of friendship. Nothing more. When I needed an extra set of hands and I put out the word on the club forum not one time did any of them offer to help. You know who did? ZR-1 netregistry members not affiliated with any club. So excuse me if I got rubbed the wrong way by that. When clubs get to big it becomes less about the cars and more about $$$. And I didn't like that. So I resigned as a board member and cut ties. And I like it that way.
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