Thread: Cherry blossoms
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Old 05-02-2011   #2
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Japan
Posts: 30
Default Re: Cherry blossoms


I agree with you, we will have to do touring together with just the guys

I took the picture below about 10 years or more ago. If I recall things correctly, I took this at Hakone mountain driveway(maybe "Ashinoko Skyline"). FYI.

By the way, I highly recommend you to take a certain amount of time to get familiarized with "left side traffic" in Japan to avoid serious traffic accident, especially left turn and right turn are exactly the opposite manner in US. Please practice left side traffic driving with another car(such as your company's car) because your Z is very valuable one rarely seen in Japan.

We will meet again when the things get settled.

Yoshifumi Honda
Nagoya, Japan
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