The LT5 is a very durable engine. They will go to 200,000 and beyond no problem as long as the proper maintenance is done. There are several Z's that are already beyond the 200K mark. Check out this page here for a list of ZR-1's that are beyond the 100K and even the 200K mark:
In Dave Mclellen's book
"Corvette from the Inside", he mentions that it was discovered that after the LT5 in the 90 ZR-1 that set the FIA record had done it's run, that engine had only used up about 15% of its life. That's amazing, considering that it had run at around 175MPH, wide open for 24 hours straight (stopping only for gas and driver changes periodically). To this day no
production car has beat this record set by the C4 ZR-1. One-off, purpose built cars have beat this record, but no production cars off the line have.
The 80K Z you're looking at should work as a daily driver just fine, so long as it's been maintained properly.