Thread: Thank you USA!
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Old 04-03-2011   #9
HAWAIIZR-1's Avatar
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Default Re: Thank you USA!


Thank you for your post and expression of gratitude to the US. It seems daily that my wife has tears for the people of Japan and all the suffering when hearing about or watching the news. It really is beyond belief and the news does not get close to covering what truly has happened to the wonderful country of Japan. I am happy to see the world coming to the aid of Japan. I look forward to when we can meet again after things settle down.

I believe as you stated in email that there is a reason why I am here in Japan and arrived two days after the big earthquake. I have a purpose and engaging in the effort in my own way through my military unit even if as a civilian now. If I did not arrive in country when I did, I would not have been allowed to move here so timing is everything and I have no regrets.

For those that did not get to see the Nova special about this tragic incident, here is the link from youtube and PBS:

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