Thread: Thank you USA!
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Old 04-02-2011   #5
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Japan
Posts: 30
Default Re: Thank you USA!

Scott, Tom, Jerry

Thank you for your replies. I was moved by your posts.

You may be interested in the link below. Please notice the last of this video.

Tom, of course you can call me Yoshi.

One more thing. I think US seems to have begun to play a major roll in relieving the serious radiation leaks at Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. I saw the news of NRC Chairman Jaczko's coming to Japan from US.Very a lot of Japanese people have been discussing about Fukushima Power Plant on twitters and on some SNS since the earthquake..

Sorry, this is not related to ZR-1. I will go back to normal topics in the next post.

Yoshifumi Honda
Nagoya, Japan
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