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Old 02-27-2011   #2
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Chicagoland, IL
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Default Re: ZR-1 top end is hard to hang with.

Originally Posted by rhipsher View Post
On the way home last night this hemi charger with blacked out windows and headers thought he was gonna school me. Hahaha! Boy was he wrong. We were paceing eachother at 120mph with me behind him. And I pulled around him in 4th gear and just freaken blew past him and I watched him disappear in my rear veiw mirror as he tried to hang. When I hit 158mph he was gone. I slowed back down to 80 it took him 4 minutes to catch back up to me. He cruises up beside me at about 40 and I suppose he wanted to get a closer look at the car that just blasted away from him at a 120mph roll. He probably wondered if it was the same car because I was literally out of his site. Then I slowed down and was driving like grandma after exiting the freeway. That's always fun to do.
Even 21 years later the top end of our cars is just spectacular.
The fact that he is trying to
drive a brick thru the air didn't help. Top end is what our cars were really built for.
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