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Old 02-20-2011   #3
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
Posts: 137
Lightbulb Re: WTB Lower radiator hose for 92 Z

I found a made a couple of upper 90's matched at Auto Zone then also checked at O'Reilly's I just took them the old hose so it would be easy to match the size and degree.

The lower straight hose.

I have about a 4 ' piece left any body needing that one I can cut you an exact size for a reasonable price plus shipping.

I recommend cutting it a bit shorter.

I thought it easier to install and less of a chance of breaking the housing by shortining the lenght a 1/2 or so on each side)

You might get lucky and they will have one that matches at your favorite auto store, I found the 90's at O'Reilly they had a heavy duty Gates.
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