Re: Motorsport Park Pledge Drive
Just sent my $25 in. After my off track adventure, I spoke with Adam Boca from NCM because my insurance was thru the NCM. Of course my claim
was denied by American whatever because I was drag racing which is expressly verboten in the policy T&Cs. Had I been on a public road, I would have been covered but be reponsible and go to a private venue with safety gear, then you're screwed. My point to Adam was that I had gone to a sanctioned Corvette event. Now the NCM is embarking on building a Motorsports park encouraging exactly the kind of driving that is excluded by the very insurance policies the NCM promotes and makes money off of.
Anybody see something wrong here?! If they're going to hold events at the park, there should be some kind of blanket coverage for Corvette owners,
maybe NCM members, to fill in the gap when participating at NCM sponsored events.