I just finished installing big cams in my 350 (big for a 350).
SGC Stage III intakes .242 .450
SGC Stage I exhaust .228 .420
I was kind of worried at first thought maybe too much cam for 350 ci.
That worry went away 2 days ago when i fired her up it sounds fast and drives like a stock Z you only notice the cams at idle.
I was tuning her so i try a 2nd gear pull,yeah right that didn't go so well it spun all thru 2nd i'm on BFG DR's, i decide 3rd gear a little better but i can feel the rear end floating around i had to be very alert just in case she decided to come around on me.
AFR's were very lean very high 13's some 14.0's i added 12% WOT for now to be safe.
For the non believers of big cams in a 350 ci after you drive my Z you will believe.
I do not feel any low end loss actually it feels faster across the board.
DynoJet is better then my butt dyno,we'll see.
If she runs as good as she sounds i will be one happy dude.
Gyros for everybody.
