Replies: 9
Views: 2,668
Re: AND....I'm Retired!
I shoulda known I'd get moderated for hangin out with them Army types....
Me thinks I'm the most moderated guy in ZR-1 history...:)
Replies: 9
Views: 2,668
Re: AND....I'm Retired!
You know gang, there are so many who go around bragging about this or that, trying to create their own self-esteem, but then there are the few who actually make a difference. The Egelstads attended...
Forum: Past Events & Event Pictures
Replies: 9
Views: 4,611
Originally Posted by FU (
Let'shave some racing...drag , auto X, Pizza...
Forum: Past Events & Event Pictures
Replies: 78
Views: 24,209
Re: BG 2014 Wish List
When I look back at one of the first Gatherings after we made the move from California. I remember the many old friends came over to see us and it was great to once again meet those who were...
Forum: For Sale & Wanted (General)
Replies: 0
Views: 1,320
Sale at AMofBG!
Well Gang, you ever get that feeling sometimes that no matter where you look, you find a stack of stuff you wonder why you even have it? Then some of you have sold your cars and then boxed up all...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 Parts For Sale / Wanted
Replies: 5
Views: 1,350
Parts Sale at Auto Masters (ZR-1)
Well Gang, haven't been around for a while! Been busy here, hope y'all are doing well.
You ever get that feeling sometimes that no matter where you look, you find a stack of stuff you wonder...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 106
Views: 23,900
Re: endurance record
Oh here we go again with the bait and switch routine....:dancing
YOU guys are all full of emotion and pride with the ZR-1. Duh. You think I've been involved as much as I have because I like...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 106
Views: 23,900
Re: endurance record
Ah alas, boys and girls. There comes a time in life when you just got to know when to stand back and let the young guns get their chance. The good 'ol LT5 was a unique item some 20 years ago but...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 11
Views: 1,434
Re: Pirate Racing ZR-1 in action
This is the Beagle. What's his name is making Margaritas but he sez you can see something very fun on the website. Just look for the button near the bottom that sez
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 106
Views: 23,900
Re: endurance record
Now Hibber. Weren't we supposed to be the same person in those early years?:cheers:
No, I wasn't there and didn't know anything about it until afterwards.
At the 2010 BBQ Gathering we showed...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 35
Views: 7,091
Re: Gathering BBQ Update
No, you were in there for the fastest run, uh....27.31 was it? But his 27.49 with that big guy with the hat:-D still beat the next fastest car so technically, he coulda woulda shoulda won if you...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 35
Views: 7,091
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 35
Views: 7,091
Re: Gathering BBQ Update
Hey guys. You know why Mr Thomas wins all them xcrosses? HE CHEATS!! I mean it. First of all I see how he actually goes slower to go faster (you have to be there to see it) and then he does this...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 35
Views: 7,091
Re: Gathering BBQ Update
OK Gang. Need to know if there are any others coming. Steaks will be in the marinade Thursday morning!
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 35
Views: 7,091
Re: Gathering BBQ Update
The only other one I have seen was Steve Wait's Black Widow car. I always wanted one with white interior. I know, I's a girl's car but I just may paint the Weekndr someday...and if I...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 35
Views: 7,091
Re: Gathering BBQ Update
yES sIR! You are now "on my list" :)
That's exactly why I put the list on here! SOmetimes I mess up....
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 35
Views: 7,091
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 35
Views: 7,091
Re: Gathering BBQ Update
Uh...well, OK. I guess your credit is good here....:-D
Oh also. I had some of the "gifts" I had made, made in Aqua just for you. Though they are a bit smaller than the white ones....:salute:...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 35
Views: 7,091
Gathering BBQ Update
Well Gang,
Just an update on the BBQ here on Thursday night. We will be serving promptly at 5:30pm. We have 50 or so RSVP’d for the meal. We will have a registration table setup for those who...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 70
Views: 7,914
Re: Registration UPDATE for BG 2013
Well Gang, the BBQ dinner tickets are in. BBQ reg deadline May 12th.
Steaks CHicken COLD BEER, and FRIENDS!!
Well, we ordered some special items to be used for your dinner tickets here at...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 12
Views: 2,691
Re: Posting under the influence....
Pete. (Hiccup) There's still hope! :p
FYI- Yes, I am a member of the current club and another one long ago. You might say I've been around since the beginning of the ZR-1 hobby. I have a LONG...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 12
Views: 2,691
2013 BBQ in BG
Well Gang
Just an update for the Gathering BBQ at Auto Masters. (Thursday July 16th, 5pm, at Auto Masters).
We’ve got over 40 registered as of today. We’re either going to have a nice quaint...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 35
Views: 4,381
Re: 2013 Thursday JVD BBQ News
Hey I'm just the BBQ'r but if you want to do it, we better do it BEFORE FU2 goes to the track. Last coupla times, after his track visits, he has a space at my place... :D
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 35
Views: 4,381
Re: 2013 Thursday JVD BBQ News
Hey...uh...guys.....I mean, no offense but driving in a straight line is, well, you know.....
I have a customer who owns a huge parking lot, Trace Die Cast. Some of you may have...
Forum: C4 ZR-1 General Postings
Replies: 35
Views: 4,381
2013 Thursday JVD BBQ News
I’ve invited another guest speaker for this year’s BBQ at the Gathering. Some of you might remember the original Corvette Action Center. It was originally staffed by Gordon Killabrew, Jerry...