Corvette Show in Westminster, MD - Saturday, June 13th
What: 1st Annual All Corvette Show
Where: Westminster, MD City Parking Lot at Longwell Ave When: Saturday, June 13th 2009 Registration 10:00am - 12:00pm Show 12:00pm - 3:00pm Trophies 3:00pm Who: Cornerstone Corvette Club of Carroll County Support the USO and Reformers Unanimous I hope a lot of you will attend this new show. There will be at least 5 ZR-1's at the show. :cool: Jim |
Re: Corvette Show in Westminster, MD - Saturday, June 13th
All ZR-1 owners are invited to my garage after the show for beverages.:occasion1:thumbsup::occasion1:cheers::c heers::cheers::cheers: Jim |
Re: Corvette Show in Westminster, MD - Saturday, June 13th
The weather is going to be beautiful. Come on out to the show in Westminster. I am expecting 8 ZR-1's so far. People around here will think that ZR-1 are common. ;) Jim |
Re: Corvette Show in Westminster, MD - Saturday, June 13th
Hi Jim good job on the second place win yesterday. Witch one of you cars won. Also good job to the new Z owner who took first place. I don't know who took third place. Congrats to all who won.
Kirk |
Re: Corvette Show in Westminster, MD - Saturday, June 13th
There were six ZR-1's at the show. The weather was beautiful. A bunch of us had a nice lunch at Paradiso's Restaurant.
It was nice to see Andy and Craig again, (Andy's Polo Green 1994 ZR-1 took first place in the C4 category) Bill's White 1991 ZR-1 was beautiful, as always. (unfortunately, he arrived after a lot of people had turned in their ballots.)My Yellow 1994 took second place. But better than all the judging, we met some new friends and arranged some tech assist visits. I think that a set of ZR-1 wheels were sold, and I may have found a source for the transmission shifter parts I need. We met Todd, another ZR-1 owner who lives about 4 miles from me. I will be adding him to the MD-NoVA list. (He had a 1967 Corvette at this show) The show was well run and we all had a great time. Jim |
Re: Corvette Show in Westminster, MD - Saturday, June 13th
Congratulations Andy and Jim!
By the looks of the photo it appears red 94 ZR-1 Corvettes were severely underrepresented at this year's event. Unfortunately I couldn't make this one but have it on the radar for next year. |
Re: Corvette Show in Westminster, MD - Saturday, June 13th
Thanks Phil.
Red ZR-1's of any year were under-represented. It was a nice mix of colors: Quasar Blue Admiral Blue Competition Yellow Bright Red Polo Green Arctic White This was a small show (first year). They will grow in the future. The MD-NoVA ZR-1 Group got a big Thank You for mustering up 20% of the show participation! :thumbsup: Jim |
Re: Corvette Show in Westminster, MD - Saturday, June 13th
Hey Jim, is the red '90 yours?
Re: Corvette Show in Westminster, MD - Saturday, June 13th
Great turnout Jim. I think this is the first time I've known more than a few ZR-1s to assemble in one place and no two were the same color combination. Heck, even if Phil and I had both made it you still would have had two more different color combinations. Pretty cool.
Re: Corvette Show in Westminster, MD - Saturday, June 13th
Yes the red '90 is mine. The show was four blocks from my house. I drove the Quasar Blue, Lyndi drove the Yellow, and my son Roger drove the Red '90. Guess who got to wash and shine all three.
Scott, I agree. It was a nice mix of colors. I was so busy talking to other people that I didn't remember to get them all lined up for a side by side photo. Jim |
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