State of the NCM
April 8, 2009
State of the National Corvette Museum Taking advantage of both a break in the weather and the always fun visit from eldest daughter Erin, we decided a trip across the street to the NCM was in order. You might remember Erin selling T-shirts back at various Corvette events we hosted. She was at the Grand Opening at age 13. Well since then Erin has earned her law degree, passed the Pennsylvania BAR, and at age 28, is now Assistant Director of Admissions, St Johns School of Law, Queens, NY. Can you believe it?? I can’t... We entered through the temporary entrance which is actually in the back of the NCM now. Oh, some of you had expressed dismay that the NCM was going to abandon all those personalized bricks which were at the old entrance. Don’t worry. The plans call for the main entrance to remain where it has always been so your bricks are very safe. Entering through the side entrance into Corvette Blvd, it is amazing. The signage is awesome declaring Corvette Delivery, Library and Archives, Corvette Store and the new and cute Corvette Café. The massive convention seating area is empty but the store is full of new Corvette stuff from wall to far away wall. I’m going to guess the floor space has at least doubled from the old location. The spotless delivery area was pretty quiet but our main quest was to see the Library and Archives which has always been an important issue with me and a lot of other folks. As we entered the huge lobby I was awestruck. One side of the huge room was adorned with a custom designed Corvette wallpaper by Dana Forester. The beautiful parquet wooden floor was donated by former NCM Board President Larry Martin. Four separate cubicles are ready for their new computers to provide access to the archives. On the other side sits 6-8 desks with trays, ready to provide seating for folks with their laptops. The NCM is WiFi ready. Library Manager Betty Hardison came to greet us immediately. I first met Betty back in 1991 when she was at the tiny NCM Annex which is now a Mexican food place. Betty is the senior employee of the NCM and she has been the backbone of a long and sometimes difficult history of the place. But she has persevered and has been put in charge of what will surely become the main attraction of the museum itself; the documented history of Corvette. Now everybody knows I have a lot of “stuffâ€. I don’t know where it came from sometimes but I have it, boxes, tubes, books, cabinets all filled with important Corvette “stuffâ€. I thought I had more “stuff†than anyone but I was very wrong… We entered through the large door into the rear portion of the Library. It is incredible and nearly brought tears to my eyes. Standing in front of us were at least 11 skyscraping shelving units, at least 12-15 feet high and all electronic! A button opens the isle, moves the other shelves, turns on the lights, everything. VERY professional! And I thought I had a lot of stuff? Well, let me tell ya, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. A quick browse revealed archives of every single Corvette magazine you can think of. Corvette Fever, Corvette News, Vette, Quarterly, Vette Views, you name it, a full series of every single issue is at your fingertips. Build sheets, virtually every book ever written about Corvette, internal GM memos, sales brochures, and posters from every supplier who ever mentioned Corvette. Wow. Oh, and there’s at least one of every poster GM has ever done also. Very complete and VERY impressive!! And there is a mountain of "stuff" yet to go. Though Betty will be busy for many months to come, she's really got a terrific start and I am very jealous! Betty must’ve noticed my awe and took me to a special drawer where she showed us the hand drawings from designers of the past of virtually every era of Corvette, many signed years before the actual production when (and if) they were implemented. Some were crayon drawings, others were pencil, all were invaluable examples of exactly what our museum stands for, the preservation and protection of the very heart of what Corvette is. Upon leaving Betty also reassured me that the entire room was completely protected by a new state of the art fire protection system that not only puts out any fire immediately and completely, but does so without harming one single page within. And while it might cost $50,000 to re-charge if and when it is ever used, it’s well worth it to know what it has protected. I guess it may finally be time for me to start bringing out the "stuff" that I have the one and only of. Now that is is going to be so safe, I can't think of a better place for it. We took a quick tour through and noticed Elfie has been reunited with Zora. Years ago when Zora passed, then Facilities Director Tim Reilly took it upon himself to design and construct the monument for them. The optical lighting provides a nighttime glimmering effect and Larry Martin created a wooden pedestal with Zora’s information engraved it it. He left it off to the side so Elfie could join Zora someday. And now she has. Several picture collages show them from beginning to the end, a moving and fitting tribute to such an important part of Corvette’s intimate past. It’s very peaceful there…and I am honored to have known them both. They’re home now… Moving along, we visited the skydome and what jumps out at us in the middle of the room but the #75 Pirate Racing ZR-1 in perfect condition, in fact, maybe better than when we donated it. Bob Hellman’s done a remarkable job keeping the entire place spotless even though the entire building has or is being re-built and renovated. We followed the temporary tour route and found ourselves entering a totally new corridor of much needed display areas. I'd say there's room for another dozen or so exhibits. HOORAH!! After making our usual deposit at the Corvette store, we decided to depart through the new Corvette Café which seats approximately 40-50 or so. Decorated with oldies style everything and with 45rpm records all around, the Café creates a great diner atmosphere. We took a menu and found their assortment of items very original and their prices were very reasonable. A fun place for future lunches for sure!! That night I lay in bed thinking about how far the NCM has come from those days of long ago. I have that small picture of me standing next to the little sign which read “Future Home of the National Corvette Museumâ€. Later, with hard hat on during the construction, and then through the years since then. Who could have dreamed we would have something so nice and beautiful, so professionally done, so well laid out. It’s been a long hard journey filled with ups and downs but through it all, we’ve all done what we could, when we could to make the museum better. I think it’s about time for another little pat on the back for all the dedicated staff of the NCM, many who have been there for many years. There are no doubt going to be future challenges for the museum, especially in today’s economic climate, but we’ll take those on when and if need be. Personally, I happen to believe there is a very bright future. Why? Well, I couldn’t help but notice that the Corvette Store now sells flip flops….:thumbsup: JVD, proud to be Life Member #399. The last membership certificate signed by Zora. |
Re: State of the NCM
Very Cool Jim and very somber at the same time. Thanks for the write up. GC
Re: State of the NCM
Thanks for the nice tour write-up. You have made me even more excited about this years ZR-1 Gathering. Jim |
Re: State of the NCM
Jim, thanks for the write up, well done...:thumbsup:
I am hoping to make the "Gathering" this year, to see all the improvement. :cheers: |
Re: State of the NCM
Thanks for the personal update.
Won't be able to make it to the "Gathering" this year but have the NCC and 15th Anniversary on the calendar for September. |
Re: State of the NCM
Very good new's. Thanks for the update Jim :thumbsup::thumbsup:
Re: State of the NCM
Re: State of the NCM
Nice information Jim. The flip flops thing is funny. I thought to myself when I was there at the last Gathering,, man, I wonder how many times he's smashed his toes while working on cars....
Aside from the Purple Sash car, how many Vettes are not there that were last year? |
Re: State of the NCM
Kudos on the update Jim. Well written.
Re: State of the NCM
Another interesting and important story, well penned Jim.
:cheers: |
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