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QB93Z 11-06-2021 09:03 PM

WAZOO - I am announcing a Westminster Maintenance Day - Nov 14th 2021
Come join us for a WMD in the garage behind my house at

195 W Main St
Westminster MD 21157

Sunday, Nov 14th. Start at 8:30 AM. Come when you can and stay as long as you like.

We will be working on Barry's brake lines and doing some diagnosis on Charlie's car.

We are hoping that Yun will arrive in his NEW CORVETTE.

If you have any work you want to do, let me know and I will try to schedule it in.

Call me if you have any questions or need directions.

See you on Sunday,

Jim Voter

Prez1967 11-07-2021 05:19 AM

Re: WAZOO - I am announcing a Westminster Maintenance Day - Nov 14th 2021
Sweet! Will try to stop by for a little. Actually off that day lol

Arctic91 11-07-2021 03:02 PM

Re: WAZOO - I am announcing a Westminster Maintenance Day - Nov 14th 2021
I'll plan to attend... not sure if I have any maint needs right now, but I'll check my list when I get home and send an update if there is something.


dredgeguy 11-08-2021 07:52 AM

Re: WAZOO - I am announcing a Westminster Maintenance Day - Nov 14th 2021
Looking forward to using the Tech 1 to get to the bottom of my stumble, hope it is as simple as replacing the TPS or O2 sensor.

evolutionross 11-08-2021 08:18 PM

Re: WAZOO - I am announcing a Westminster Maintenance Day - Nov 14th 2021
How nice of you to plan a ZR1 party for my Birthday, Jim! So considerate!!! I will be there. Not sure if I have any projects to tackle during this event. I bought a used transmission, but I'm waiting for a used Corsa exhaust to show up. Since there's no rush on the Trans, makes sense to wait until I have everything. Can't wait to see everybody!

Axial 11-09-2021 12:27 AM

Re: WAZOO - I am announcing a Westminster Maintenance Day - Nov 14th 2021
If I may, I'd like to join the fun and sponge some knowledge. I fixed some loose vacuum fittings under the plenum last week, and replaced the IAC motor for kicks, and it idles much better than it had been, but I've still got a weird, regular shudder that picks up frequency with revs. Also have an HVAC that teases you with full functionality before yoinking it away after about a minute of running the car.

dredgeguy 11-09-2021 07:43 AM

Re: WAZOO - I am announcing a Westminster Maintenance Day - Nov 14th 2021

Originally Posted by Axial (Post 328532)
If I may, I'd like to join the fun and sponge some knowledge. I fixed some loose vacuum fittings under the plenum last week, and replaced the IAC motor for kicks, and it idles much better than it had been, but I've still got a weird, regular shudder that picks up frequency with revs. Also have an HVAC that teases you with full functionality before yoinking it away after about a minute of running the car.

It would be great to have you attend. Looks like it is projected to be a nice sunny day as well!

staminqia 11-09-2021 12:16 PM

Re: WAZOO - I am announcing a Westminster Maintenance Day - Nov 14th 2021
Sounds like fun! Unfortunately I wont be able to make it. I will one day. I am interested to learn what the diagnosis is on Charlies Z. Keep us posted!

Arctic91 11-09-2021 06:34 PM

Re: WAZOO - I am announcing a Westminster Maintenance Day - Nov 14th 2021
FYI: The blogger/photographer who contacted me back in Aug with interest in producing some content on C4 ZR-1s and B2K/SuperNatural Callaways said he would also like to come out for a while on Sunday - just to meet some of the group. I'll be interested to hear his ideas.


Demps 11-09-2021 07:37 PM

Re: WAZOO - I am announcing a Westminster Maintenance Day - Nov 14th 2021
I'm sorry if I missed Yun's NEW purchase elsewhere...but can't wait to see pictures! Hope y'all have fun. Wish I was closer...kind of. Florida is nice this time of year. WAZOO needs road-trip to the Panhandle.

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