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Driller1 03-31-2020 09:31 PM

First ZR-1
1 Attachment(s)
Been a car guy, and a Corvette guy my whole life. Just bought my first ZR-1 a couple of weeks ago.
A 25k mile Red on Red early '91 #141..... And I love it.
From the very first time I saw a ZR-1 at Corvettes at Carlisle back in 1990 I knew someday I'd have one.
Within days of buying it, I joined the registry, had a great conversation with and got to know Mark Horner.
The car is virtually original, even the fuel injectors(were). I knew when I brought it home that the 91's had injector and O ring failures, and that this was a project I had to undertake.
The advice on this site, as well as input from Mark has already been extremely helpful.
All new injectors, coils, wires, plugs, gaskets, O-rings etc from Jerrys Gaskets.
His ZR-1 parts inventory is awesome, very comforting to know for a car with limited production.
Marc Haibeck's DVD made pulling the plenum and fuel rails so straightforward it seemed like I had done it before. With Marc Haibeck's chip and a few other parts installed it has woken the car up already.
This past weekend I did the plenum pull project, had fun doing it and have really started to love this car.
So my sincere thanks to The people of ZR-1 Net Registry ! You have already helped me immensely.

32valvesftw 03-31-2020 09:58 PM

Re: First ZR-1
Welcome to the forum. I lived in the Seacoast area for many years and I still have family there. Lovely area, I miss it a lot. I hope to drive the Z up there one day.

randy ransome 03-31-2020 10:00 PM

Re: First ZR-1
Welcome to the madness!


Driller1 03-31-2020 10:06 PM

Re: First ZR-1
Thank you very much guys, We do have some beautiful backroads here, although they're only that way for 7 months a year!

Ccmano 03-31-2020 10:10 PM

Re: First ZR-1
Welcome to the addiction! Looks like your already a member too. You’ve come to the fight place. This group is like no other that I’ve ever belonged to. You’ll find this group helpful and friendly at all times. There is likely no question that cannot be answered or problem resolved. Enjoy your Z...

mcich7781 03-31-2020 10:13 PM

Re: First ZR-1
Beautiful car! I felt the same way when I got my first glimpse in Motor Trend magazine. I just knew I had to have the ultimate C4.

Sent from my SM-G955U using ZR-1 Net Registry mobile app

HAWAIIZR-1 03-31-2020 11:02 PM

Re: First ZR-1
Welcome to the the family! Best wishes with your new ride!

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry

32valvZ 03-31-2020 11:10 PM

Re: First ZR-1
Cant beat a red on red ZR-1.... Welcome aboard!

Z51JEFF 04-01-2020 04:23 AM

Re: First ZR-1
Welcome to the madness,it only gets better.

Young1 04-01-2020 05:45 AM

Re: First ZR-1
Welcome and you sure did it the right way on your tune up. Get it from Jerry and you know with confidence the parts are quality and correct. That pesky shipping though. Nothing like two power shifts for permagrin.

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