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-=Jeff=- 04-14-2019 09:12 PM

LED Headlight with fog light issue...
Yeah, I know it has been posted and gone over several times.


Now time to post my solution I used on my 1990

**Disclaimer: Findings based on my 1990 and FSM, other years may vary**

In the FSM the shows that the Fog light relay grounds through the High Beam. When the high beams are activated in the OEM solution, 12v is applied on both sides of the coil for the relay which then causes the lights to turn off.

When we switch to LED, the high beam filament is replace with electronics, so that does not work so well. Most use resistors, which to me, still gives the load of a Halogen/ Filament light, yes it works, but I want the efficiency benefit.

I acquired a socket and relay from a donor harness I have, I added the relay to my harness to accomplish what I need. Here are the details:

Find the Fog Lamp relay. in my 1990 it is the furthest to the right under the dash.. Look for the Light Green wire. that is the wire you need to manipulate..

Unpin the LT GRN from the current relay move it to 86 of the added relay.

Pin a new wire in the spot where you removed the LT GRN (it is either 85 or 86), Pin the other end of this wire to 87a of your added relay.

On the added relay, Pin 30 and Pin 85 are both connected to ground.

Done, no wires cut, not relays tampered with. I have not installed LED Headlights just yet, but got the car ready for them. So this should work without issue. works fine with my current lights. I will be adding LED Headlights and LED Fog Lights soon.

Ccmano 04-14-2019 09:39 PM

Re: LED Headlight with fog light issue...
Nice, mine will be in process tomorrow. Sounds like the most elegant solution yet.

XfireZ51 04-15-2019 10:13 AM

Re: LED Headlight with fog light issue...
I used a variation of Yun’s solution by cutting the relay leg connected to the lt grn wire and then soldering a wire to that cut down leg running it to a ground using as stud found halfway up alongside the door opening. The stud will be easier to see if u remove the side bezel for the fuse panel.

Ccmano 04-15-2019 04:38 PM

Re: LED Headlight with fog light issue...
Relay location is Driver side or passenger side?

-=Jeff=- 04-15-2019 05:04 PM

Re: LED Headlight with fog light issue...
Passenger side

XfireZ51 04-15-2019 05:46 PM

Re: LED Headlight with fog light issue...
FSM shows location incorrectly. Of the 4 relays there, its the one closest to the passenger door opening.

-=Jeff=- 04-28-2019 10:11 PM

Re: LED Headlight with fog light issue...
to update.. the Mod I made works as expected (like factory) with LED Headlights and LED Fog Lights

Ccmano 04-28-2019 10:12 PM

Re: LED Headlight with fog light issue...

Originally Posted by -=Jeff=- (Post 293019)
to update.. the Mod I made works as expected (like factory) with LED Headlights and LED Fog Lights

Agreed... mine too.

ghlkal 05-06-2019 09:29 PM

Re: LED Headlight with fog light issue...

Originally Posted by -=Jeff=- (Post 292386)
Find the Fog Lamp relay. in my 1990 it is the furthest to the right under the dash.. Look for the Light Green wire. that is the wire you need to manipulate..

Unpin the LT GRN from the current relay move it to 86 of the added relay.

Pin a new wire in the spot where you removed the LT GRN (it is either 85 or 86), Pin the other end of this wire to 87a of your added relay.

On the added relay, Pin 30 and Pin 85 are both connected to ground.

Done, no wires cut, not relays tampered with.

Nice, thanks for posting this.

Bookmarked for when I get LED headlights ...

-=Jeff=- 05-06-2019 11:09 PM

Re: LED Headlight with fog light issue...

Originally Posted by ghlkal (Post 293355)
Nice, thanks for posting this.

Bookmarked for when I get LED headlights ...

Want a set of LED headlights? PM Me. I have a set with maybe an hour of time on them. I need to remove them as they cause static on the FM of my Aftermarket Radio.. I also have the JDM Astar rear LED bulbs (caused the same issue for me)

I will be going back to my Halogens

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