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-   -   Billet AL Dipstick Replacement $20 (http://zr1.net/forum/showthread.php?t=30311)

tnova 03-05-2019 07:23 PM

Billet AL Dipstick Replacement $20
3 Attachment(s)
Like many, the plastic T-handle on the dipstick on my car broke when dropped to the ground. Tracing the history on the forum and also talking to Jerry and emailing Carter it became apparent that none were available, though Carter is working on a long term project to make a replacement. Taking the broken dipstick in hand and visiting local auto parts stores and a speed shop I came upon a replacement with an aluminum knob that with very little modification will fit, all at a cost of $20. Purchased RPC part number R4957BA. It fits the dipstick tube and has an appropriate rubber seal. See the attached pics. It does need minor modification which I'll describe in subsequent posts in order to keep the pictures straight.

tnova 03-05-2019 07:27 PM

Re: Billet AL Dipstick Replacement $20
2 Attachment(s)
The replacement dipstick is too long and it sits about 2mm higher on the tube than the OEM. The end needs to be cut, compensating for needing 2mm more length. Then, with a Dremel, remark the dipstick using the OEM as reference. See the picture of the part of the dipstick that fits over the tube to see the 2mm difference in the cap portion.

tnova 03-05-2019 07:28 PM

Re: Billet AL Dipstick Replacement $20
1 Attachment(s)
It fits nicely and securely and looks sharp too

tnova 03-05-2019 07:31 PM

Re: Billet AL Dipstick Replacement $20
1 Attachment(s)
Of course, not to leave well enough alone, I went ahead and adapted the OEM dipstick to the RPC handle. Tools were a drill, awl, punch, hammer, and a bench vise along with 40 minutes. Not necessary but I just had to try.
Tony - Tnova

A26B 03-05-2019 09:31 PM

Re: Billet AL Dipstick Replacement $20
A much needed solution. I get calls like the one from Tony, looking for a dipstick and the tube. Always appreciate guys like Tony who take the time to come up with good alternatives.

-=Jeff=- 03-05-2019 09:55 PM

Re: Billet AL Dipstick Replacement $20
I formed a tube out of a piece of brake line, brazed a washer on the lower end as a stop when inserting in its location

Brazed a bracket on the other end which eliminated the added bracket for headers

Dynomite 03-05-2019 11:35 PM

Chrome/Billet AL Dipstick Replacement (Another Idea)
Carter still has my Dipstick and Tube to design and fabricate a Billet Aluminum Handle (I need the Dipstick and Tube back Carter) :p

But......this is pretty good and Easy to Install.
I have installed this on five Zs

https://cimg6.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.cor...7eaa9db4a9.jpg Chrome Oil Dipstick Handle

See Item #3.... Post 19 - LT5 Lubrication Tricks and Replace Dip Stick Handle


GOLDCYLON 03-06-2019 09:35 AM

Re: Chrome/Billet AL Dipstick Replacement (Another Idea)

Originally Posted by Dynomite (Post 290411)
Carter still has my Dipstick to use to design and fabricate a Billet Aluminum Handle (I need that back sometime Carter) :p

But......this is pretty good and Easy to Install.
I have installed this on five Zs

https://cimg6.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.cor...7eaa9db4a9.jpg Chrome Oil Dipstick Handle

See Item #3.... Post 19 - LT5 Lubrication Tricks and Replace Dip Stick Handle


I like this one Cliff

Dynomite 03-06-2019 10:02 AM

Re: Chrome/Billet AL Dipstick Replacement (Another Idea)

Originally Posted by GOLDCYLON (Post 290428)
I like this one Cliff

That "one" has been around for a while :thumbsup:

Some do not know about Left Clickable Links which is anything in Bold Red Letters in my Posts or in my Signature or the Post above that is underlined. Just Left Click with your mouse or go to "Web View" on Cell Phone and touch the Link on your Cell Phone Screen. These are Left Clickable Links :thumbsup:

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Carter was going to Out Do Me on that one and still has my Dip Stick and Tube I sent him with a broken Handle. I Broke ALL my Dip Stick Handles and Replaced ALL of them with the very Nice "Oil" Dip Stick Handle you can still buy on the Web for $19.99 :cheers:

Daryll...….You know about Left Clickable Links but some do Not Know That and I have received Messages asking questions about Left Clickable Links :handshak:

Chrome Oil Dipstick Handle

See Item #3.... Post 19 - LT5 Lubrication Tricks and Replace Dip Stick Handle

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