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Paul Workman 03-15-2014 03:57 PM

The Phoenix!
It's been a very long, cold, cold winter and I'd hoped to be father along with the restoration of the Z by now. But! Some progress!



She needs to have the bumper horns tweaked a little. I took it to a frame shop before the snow flew (and flew and flew....) and asked that I be there when they pulled the horns down, cuz I wanted to bring it into line with shims. That didn't happen. "We brought it into spec according to (the sheet). Fine. But the pieces don't quite fit right, and there's no shims to take out; still too high.

So, there's that to do first. But I'm encouraged. I was able to install the "new" radiator, and warm her fully up, first time since June 2 of last year. I had a lifter hang up at first, but soon as she warmed up a little it quieted down to her "sewing machine" sound. Can't tell ya how good that sounded to my ears! Blip the throttle and ZERO hesitation, just ZOOM-ZOOM before settling down to purring again. Fans came on, no problems topping off the coolant, no worse for the wear, I hope!=D>

Hopefully I'll get the last bit of tweaking on the bumper frame horns done in the next couple weeks and then get really serious about putting her back together and painted. Can't wait for the Mountain Run to Bowling Green!:dancing

Schrade 03-15-2014 04:14 PM

Re: The Phoenix!
It's a Z - can't be rushed. Done RIGHT is 1st + foremost job.

Looks GOOD. http://www.zr1.net/forum/images/icons/icon14.gif

Shops that don't do what's written on the work order - http://www.zr1.net/forum/images/icons/icon13.gif (was written - right PW? "I want to be there")

alnukem 03-16-2014 06:25 AM

Re: The Phoenix!
Good Job! Glad you're progressing!

Paul Workman 03-16-2014 07:04 AM

Re: The Phoenix!
Added some "before" and "during" pictures... ttt

Shrade - Good point. My request to be there was verbal. And, as it happened, I was out of town working when got they chance to fit it in with their schedule. They had the specs, so as long as they met the specs, what could go wrong? (Yeeeeah..... Famous last words, lemme tell ya what!) Well, at least the shop has offered to "make it right" on their dime. Of course if it wasn't running, then I'd be paying to flat-bed it there and back again; $200 out the window. (Hence, my joy at getting the radiator to fit in spite of being a bit more crowded than normal. At least it is drivable for the 7 miles to the shop!)

Oh, and BTW, if anyone has a photo of the engine bay that clearly shows the spacing relationship between the radiator shroud and the front of the motor, couldja post it or send me a PM with it, por favor? Visual cues are as important as measurements in some cases, and in spite of "being in spec", it obviously isn't right, and a "snap pic" (as Shrade calls 'em) would be most appreciated.



Paul Workman 03-21-2014 05:17 AM

Re: The Phoenix!
The Phoenix has risen from her ashes...She's ALIVE!

I'm so excited!:dancing Although she looks like Dolly Parton's "Coat of Many Colors", she got on the road for the first time since June 2 of last year for a shake-down cruise. After a visual check out, I just putzed around a bit - only intending to be monitoring gauges and listening for strange sounds and waiting see if the temp came up to normal.

ALL SYSTEMS GO! After a ride like the last one, ya just never know what might crop up. So, I can't describe the feeling of elation that first roady alone gave me! (I mean try to imagine after all the TLC, your baby sitting battered and bruised for most of a year, and how your heart might sink, every time you went into the garage and cast a gaze on the pitiful sight....:cry:)

So, by the time I came to my favorite 1-mile stretch of open country blacktop - I couldn't help it: change of plans! I felt a rush of anxious excitement as I let her gently roll up the tach in first to about 5k...it was "make or break" time...clear for take off! 2nd gear and WHACK IT!

Pushed hard back in the seat (felt really good!), AND, what seemed like a blink of time, the shift light winked and then winked again at the top of 3rd gear before letting up - well into the triple digits. I don't know which was beating faster -the joyful LT5 or my joyful heart!:dancing:

So! Saturday its back to the frame shop for a little adjustment on the bumber horns; more like going to the dentist for a small cavity - not like the root canal as before!:eek: Then all that's left is prepping her for painting (and maybe a couple go faster mods too). Goodbye to the "Coat of Many Colors": :mrgreen: just in time for the beginning of the 2014 driving season!

We Gone 03-21-2014 06:42 AM

Re: The Phoenix!
Congrats Paul!!

scottfab 03-21-2014 03:30 PM

Re: The Phoenix!
Fantastic news for your car, for you and for the good of the ZR-1.

Hog 03-22-2014 01:42 PM

Re: The Phoenix!
Awesome, thats great news.

Paul Workman 03-22-2014 05:13 PM

Re: The Phoenix!
MORE good news!

Looks like the frame work phase is finally completed. The pieces fell into place, once the bumper horns were lowered another 10-12mm. The fit really looks good.

Now to get it prepped for painting, add a couple power mods (planned before this other "distraction") and hopefully in full flight by BG (if not before!)

From her own ashes to rule again...



(Sorry to be so dramatic. But, it has been a long "winter of despair" - that began last June, and now, finally, all that is nearing an end!:dancing)

Blue Flame Restorations 03-22-2014 08:02 PM

Re: The Phoenix!
Good to hear it worked as planned, Paul!!!.....................now start sanding, young fella!

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