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FU 12-15-2011 12:17 PM

Haibeck sucess story
For those of us that don't visit the Corvette forum. Wander over to the C4 ZR1 section and back up the nomination for Marc. See "Haibeck sucess story".

Thanks, Frank U.

FU 12-15-2011 04:08 PM

Re: Haibeck sucess story
Go on and get yer butt's over there and back him up. Before I have to unleash my avatar on all you ! Now go on !

Kevin 12-15-2011 04:23 PM

Re: Haibeck sucess story
i find it insane that he'd need to be "backed up" he's one of the best there is

tomtom72 12-16-2011 10:36 AM

Re: Haibeck sucess story
Okay Frank. I reported as ordered!


HAWAIIZR-1 01-02-2012 04:35 AM

Re: Haibeck sucess story
ZR-1 Brothers and Sisters,

I hope you can join in on supporting this effort that Bob has done on the other forum. He is trying to submit in the next week or so and here is an extract from the same subject in CF C4 ZR-1 section. Bob did an awesome job on the cover letter and is compiling the data to support. As Frank said, get your butt over there and help support this effort for someone that is spending their lifetime of keeping this dream alive for all of us.

Thanks for your consideration.

Aloha from Japan,


To keep you posted on Marc's nomination for the museum - I did the cover letter today and I've completed much of the application form. As you know, Marc is a very humble guy, but he has agreed to provide a list of articles that he has written and speaking events that he has participated in; these kinds of things are critical to making an impression on the selection committee. The one thing that forum members could do is also prepare a short letter of support for inclusion in the submission (a brief account of your experience with Marc). If you could let me know your interest in doing so pls, I will provide you with our draft cover letter to give you an idea of how we're approaching the submission.

Many thanks,


ZR1North 01-02-2012 11:51 AM

Re: Haibeck sucess story

Originally Posted by Kevin (Post 129034)
i find it insane that he'd need to be "backed up" he's one of the best there is

I understand your comment, Kevin, but the nomination process is quite competitive; so, the more letters of endorsement we have for the submission, the more attention the nomination will get with the selection committee.

I sent e-mail to about 27 people that participated in some way in the original thread started by Marv (msgordon) back in Dec. So far, I have five excellent letters of endorsement. If anyone would like the "form endorsement letter" that we developed to help get the creative juices flowing, just e-mail me at lambebob@hotmail.com, provide me your personal e-address and I'd be happy to send you the form letter.

Thanks all. Let's respond as a community for St. Marc!

bobbyhi 01-02-2012 01:36 PM

Re: Haibeck sucess story

Originally Posted by ZR1North (Post 130101)
I understand your comment, Kevin, but the nomination process is quite competitive; so, the more letters of endorsement we have for the submission, the more attention the nomination will get with the selection committee.

I sent e-mail to about 27 people that participated in some way in the original thread started by Marv (msgordon) back in Dec. So far, I have five excellent letters of endorsement. If anyone would like the "form endorsement letter" that we developed to help get the creative juices flowing, just e-mail me at lambebob@hotmail.com, provide me your personal e-address and I'd be happy to send you the form letter.

Thanks all. Let's respond as a community for St. Marc!

I sent mine to Bob a couple of days ago. We should easily get 50 or so letters for Marc's nomination. The more letters the better chance Marc has so all you ZRoners - GET WRITING:)

bobbyhi 01-03-2012 07:12 AM

Re: Haibeck sucess story
Just want to kick this back up to the front........Let's roll...........:handshak:

PhillipsLT5 01-04-2012 03:37 PM

Re: Haibeck sucess story
Back up to the top

ZR1North 01-04-2012 04:35 PM

Re: Haibeck sucess story
Letters are rollling in, but we need more. As FU said, let's get writing over the next few days fellow Zoners. Competition for induction into the NCM Hall is very tight, so everyone's endorsement letter counts. E-mail me at lambebob@hotmail.com if you need anything further.

Great work by the people that submitted thus far! Think how much fun it will be to celebrate Marc and our cars at Bowling Green when he is inducted!!!

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