Whos Z is this?
Re: Whos Z is this?
Believe thats the Pirate Racing ZR-1
Re: Whos Z is this?
that's one of the pirate racing cars
Re: Whos Z is this?
Lots of pictures here: http://www.zr1netregistry.com/ZR1_racingpictures.htm Seems to me that there was some interesting history with this car. Something about a Pilot or Mule car that was "borrowed"? We'll have to see if the 'Ol Pirate himself remembers any details. I'll rattle his cage and see what transpires. TomC 'Crabs |
Re: Whos Z is this?
"A borrowed car? Hellzbellz it was flat plain stole!! BUt I cant say who done the stolen 'cause I did once and it nearly gots the guy fired! Seems he wuz huntin a job and they went and Googled his hiney and it came up. I had to write one of them I wuz jus kiddin letters to 'im all signed and proper. A mangy 'ol parrrot once whispered in me ear that this one was one-a-them there skinny carz with one a them fancy Lotum engines in it. Vintage 87 or so. When we got that thing it was rougher than a government mule that one wuz. She wuz just about ready for Davey Jonezez locker but I hated to see the 'ol girl drownd. So we got her all spiffied up and gave it a good run or two. Its still over yonder at the NCM if anybudy cares. OK, 10-4, Roger and out." Now wherez the dang Send buttun on this thing again? |
Re: Whos Z is this?
JIm, I was wondering if you have any video of the car when it was racing in World Challenge you would be interested in selling. Specifically the race at Road Atlanta with the Viper. That was one great race. I have instructed events with Bill Cooper. He did not make best impression with me but he could drive c4s. I have raced a c4 in SCCA, NASA & COMSCC. I cureently have the nose and splitter that was developed by Jeff Nowicki. I recently removed the rear spoiler and montes a wing to the fuel cell frame. The car is fantastic. I would love to purchase a dvd of the c4 pirate racing history if you have any. I have many races recorded on VHS that I go back and watch from time to time. Just thouight I would check. If you could let me know I would greatly appreciate it
Mike |
Re: Whos Z is this?
That was a good read and I needed the laugh Thanks :thumbsup: I haven't seen the Pirate ZR-1 since you guys donated it to the NCM in 01 or 02. It was always neat to see but seemed sad that it was just tucked away and not out on the track where she belongs... I'll be at the NCM on Saturday maybe I can convince one of them to let me have a look at her. Daniel http://www.grandsportregistry.com/ph...ering-249.html |
Re: Whos Z is this?
Re: Whos Z is this?
Re: Whos Z is this?
I also have the compelte 1989 Corvette Challenge on DVD and it is some of the most amazing racing I've ever seen. Cooper won the Million but there was also all of the World Record gang, all the guys who made Trans Am great back then. It's like 10 races. Also, have the World Record Run on DVD, also have every race we were in, also have a "blooper reel" SCCA did but wasn't supposed to get out. We did the Pirate thing and stole it. Lots of bad language but funnier than heck. So we have JVD Racing (60 minutes), WRR (30 min), Corvette CHallenge 3 DVD's, the complete Road Atlanta race in '99, SCCA Bloopers. I don't sell such items but I do accept contributions for one of our Charities. The holidays are coming up and there's lots of kids out there who need a visit from Santa. Please email me your mailing addresses privately and this email is also my PayPal if anyone wants to contribute. vandornjim@aol.com. |
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