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juni78 12-16-2019 11:21 AM

Winter has come...
1 Attachment(s)
Winter is here and my brother has taken my battery charger from the garage...so the beast had to help....:)

ZWILD1 12-16-2019 11:49 AM

Re: Winter has come...
1 Attachment(s)
It's winter here in the mid Atlantic states. Here in southern PA we got about 2-3 inches of snow during the night. Nice shot of your car helping out. I had an artic white 96 LT1 coupe when I had my black 91 Z. Love those C4 Corvettes.

juni78 12-16-2019 08:51 PM

Re: Winter has come...

Originally Posted by ZWILD1 (Post 302151)
It's winter here in the mid Atlantic states. Here in southern PA we got about 2-3 inches of snow during the night. Nice shot of your car helping out. I had an artic white 96 LT1 coupe when I had my black 91 Z. Love those C4 Corvettes.

beauties...by my opinion black and the arctic white are the most elegant colours for C4s. I have promised my wife that I will sell the white C4 (when I will get the black ZR-1), but I am still holding off on it.... We have (here in the middle of europe) under zero during the night, so I wish we will have some snow too.

BigJohn 12-17-2019 06:59 AM

Re: Winter has come...
1 Attachment(s)

rush91 12-17-2019 09:41 AM

Re: Winter has come...
1 Attachment(s)
This was my situation this morning....a little dusting with some black ice in places. This should prove a fun drive into work lol.

We Gone 12-17-2019 09:54 AM

Re: Winter has come...
Cool, The joys of living in the southeastern US year round driving!

Jakub, glad to see you enjoying the 90!!

FU 12-17-2019 07:40 PM

Re: Winter has come...
I hate the winter. Remember they call them summer tires for a reason.

ZWILD1 12-19-2019 10:25 PM

Re: Winter has come...
1 Attachment(s)
Yes winter sucks. I have seen fellow Corvette owners in Canada who drive year round in the snow. They pick the right tires for the conditions. I got caught out in a sudden snow storm driving my 96 coupe. It was not fun with summer tires. I have also driven my first ZR1 in some less than desirable conditions. To think back in the day people drove their C2 and C3 Corvettes in the snow. Now I prefer to have the car stowed away all nice and covered. I really don't want to drive once they coat the road or use salt.

lfalzarano 12-20-2019 08:10 AM

Re: Winter has come...
I remember driving my 427 in New Hampshire. Always had to have it inspected in December and there was always ice and snow... it was challenging to say the least. The worse part was washing it and wiping the ice off the body. Fun! Then put it away until Spring. I did fire it up in the driveway to keep it lubricated once a month.

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rush91 12-20-2019 09:33 AM

Re: Winter has come...
My Beast is my only means of transportation right now. The Honda gave me 16 years of flawless service, but the engine block developed a crack.....So that's that. Every morning for the past month, I don't think it has been above 35 degrees. And the Z fires up right away every time. It can get hairy with no ABS or traction control, I think most of us have had the backend snap around on you at one point. I have seen more than a few new cars in ditches on my way to work, stopping to assist if I can. And I seem to get the same comment of "wow your driving that in this weather?"

lfalzarano 12-20-2019 09:56 AM

Re: Winter has come...
But at least there are no significant snowy hills in IL!

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juni78 12-20-2019 11:49 PM

Re: Winter has come...
1 Attachment(s)
My honest respect to everyone who is daily able to drive the beast on the snow (w/o traction control). For me and my style of driving was enough my old bmw.


Originally Posted by We Gone (Post 302182)
Cool, The joys of living in the southeastern US year round driving!

Jakub, glad to see you enjoying the 90!!

Thanks Steve, I enjoy it very much. However I have to wait with regular driving until 1st july, then I will get the classic car registration and plates. The car has been made in june 90 and it shall be older then 30years (before they here register a car as the classic). If I want to drive it now, I would have to modify front and tail lights (cut the wiring and put orange rear blinkers), like on my C4. It is not too nice and I want to keep the car stock as possible. On the other hand I have time to do some minor repairs (like weatherstrips) and educate myself with some recommended literature :handshak:

lfalzarano 12-21-2019 12:14 PM

Winter has come...
You’re saying you have to wait until the build date in your area/country to be considered a classic? You should be able to register it in January 2020 as worse case!

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Ccmano 12-21-2019 11:02 PM

Re: Winter has come...
60+ degree day here today. Took her out for some exercise.


lfalzarano 12-22-2019 08:01 AM

Re: Winter has come...
Winter tires?


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DRM500RUBYZR-1 12-22-2019 11:32 AM

Re: Winter has come...
When I had my first ZR-1, it was my everyday car.
What fun that was!
The license plate said it all 1FUNZR1

However, one of the funniest things was trying to get up my very steep driveway at the time, while it was snow and ice covered.
Eased out the clutch,
Gave it gas,
Tires began to spin,
Traction control kicked in,
TC kept reducing rpm.
and reducing,,,
and reducing,,,,,,,,,,,
and red,,,, oops, it finally just gave up and stalled the car.
Turned off TC
Tried again, got all of the way up the driveway.
Nose into the garage, then the back end began to move to the right.
Eased it back out of the garage.
Shut it off.
Applied brake.
Exited car.
Started to walk away................
Turned around only to see the car sliding down the driveway right out into the street.
Was very glad it did not happen while I was climbing out.
Parked it diagonally at the end of the drive, and then went inside smiling at the cars effort.

Although it was fine on the road that day in the snow, even with the GSC's.

juni78 12-27-2019 01:19 AM

Re: Winter has come...

Originally Posted by lfalzarano (Post 302308)
You’re saying you have to wait until the build date in your area/country to be considered a classic? You should be able to register it in January 2020 as worse case!

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The rules are simple. The car shall be older then 30 years. Month of production of my ZR is june 1990. The car will be older then 30 years from 1st july.

Then I have to pass two inspections. First is about technical condition. The second about originality of parts (the car shall be stock from 80% and at the same time stock in three of five parts group - engine, wheels, body - incl. interior, transmission and suspension - incl. steering). My car is (I guess) 99% stock.

The big pros of the classic car status are no emissions bullying from the authorities (Europe went crazy about it), no need to EU light adjustments and very low insurance - around 100-150 USD per year.

Ccmano 12-27-2019 11:15 AM

Re: Winter has come...
I suspect the 30 year rule, which is generally the case in Europe, will start driving some demand for ZR-1’s next year. Like our friend juni78 here. The 90’s next year and so on.

S.hafsmo 12-27-2019 11:29 AM

Re: Winter has come...
In Norway they just changed the rule for tax free import from 30 to 20 years, so ZR-1s have been pooring in through the year. No doubt they have gained popularity due to this, and prices locally have gone up a lot.

juni78 12-27-2019 06:07 PM

Re: Winter has come...

Originally Posted by S.hafsmo (Post 302472)
In Norway they just changed the rule for tax free import from 30 to 20 years, so ZR-1s have been pooring in through the year. No doubt they have gained popularity due to this, and prices locally have gone up a lot.

You are lucky in Norway. As you are not a regular EU member, you can keep some own rules, different from EU. We had to increase import taxes for US bikes and goverment is also talking about restrictions of import used US cars with large petrol engines. :censored:

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